Achieved projects
- The Organisation, in cooperation with Spielverein St. Tönis 1911 e.V, of a football tournament in Mbanga (Cameroon) with young people. Donation of football equipment.
- Visit to an orphanage in Douala (Cameroon). Donation of food.
Ongoing project
Twice a month, the team’s Doctor consults patients via telephone in remote areas in Cameroon
Achieved project
- With the support of the Freunde vom Lions Club Nettetal e.V. and the Städtisches Krankenhaus Nettetal, we organised a medical camp for diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension in two medical institutions in Cameroon from 11.04.22 – 22.04.2022. Namely from 11.04. – 15.04.2022 at the Centre de Santé de Souza Gare and from 17.04. – 22.04.2022 at the Hôpital de District de Mbanga.